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Weekly Pool Service and Maintenance In Las Vegas, Nevada

At City Wide Pool Service, we are the “right-size” company for all your service and repair needs. We’re small enough to give you that personal attention that each and every customer desire and large enough to handle all of your daily services, repair needs, and emergency calls. Our goal is to treat you like family and want everyone to be satisfied with the level of work we provide.As an owner-operated small business, you’ll always be able to talk to the boss when you need to. As a matter of fact, you’ll probably see them out at your pool. We are fully licensed and insured, through The Southern Nevada Health District and Contractors Board enabling us to take care of all your repair needs. That is why we invite you to take that next step and talk to us more about how we fulfill all your needs when it comes to your swimming pool.

City Wide Pool Service 7-Step Cleaning Process


We will thoroughly brush and clean the tile of oil and debris


This will include skimming the entire surface of the swimming pool to remove leaves, pine needles, and any other debris from the bottom of the pool!


We will vacuum all dirt and debris from the bottom of the pool.


We brush the entire interior surface and tile areas of your swimming pool.


We will empty all the debris in the skimmer and pump basket to allow for flow into the filter to keep your pool looking great.


When needed, we will backwash your filter to lower pressure as well as remove dirt from the filters to assure they are in good working order.


We will always check your numbers each week and add/balance any chemicals necessary to balance the water keeping it blue, clear, and free from bacteria.
At City Wide Pool Service we realize there are many residential and commercial swimming pool service companies in Las Vegas but we want to be the last company you hire and we want to earn your trust. Our 7-step process ensures we keep your pool looking great and you happy. If you’re ready to take the next step, please contact us today!

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