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Pools are prized additions to homes across Las Vegas. They are a great way to entertain guests, and they are generally considered to be an improvement to one’s lifestyle. Despite their popularity as a home addition, however, not all homeowners know how to properly care for their pools, much less know the reason behind keeping their pools clean. This not only limits how much they can benefit from the addition, but it also leads to various inconveniences.

If homeowners don’t use the correct residential pool cleaning and maintenance techniques, the water, walls, and flooring of the pool may quickly become unhygienic and unsanitary. This may lead to the following unpleasant consequences:

Algae Growth

If you notice your water acquiring a green tint, it’s most likely algae beginning to form. Green algae blooms occur due to high PH levels and the lack or absence of proper water filtration and sanitation. It can be found on the pool walls or simply floating in the water. It is the most commonly found type of algae in swimming pools.

The second most frequently found type is the yellow or mustard pool algae. It thrives in areas of your swimming pool’s walls that don’t get enough sunlight. To the untrained eye, it may easily be mistaken for pollen or sand.

Black algae spots are the toughest forms of algae to get rid of, due to their strong roots, natural defense mechanisms, and extra protective layer. It grows deep into the wall’s plaster and can only be removed by highly concentrated and specialized chemicals.

Clogged Drains

Without regular cleaning, pollen, hair, leaves, sticks, and all other kinds of debris could clog your drain and pipes. If left unattended for an extended period, it could lead to more costly issues, such as having to completely replace your equipment or ultimately increasing utility expenses.

Moreover, your heat pump won’t function efficiently and fail to sufficiently maintain a comfortable temperature for swimming. Having a burnt-out motor prevents proper water flow through the circulation and filtration system, leaving your cleaning and sanitation chemicals unequally dispersed. This turns your pool water into harmful stagnant water.


Waterborne pathogens like Salmonella and E. coli, and other bacteria can build up and contaminate your pool water. Likewise, individuals who are currently sick and decide to take a swim can also carry germs into the water. This could irritate the eyes, ears, skin, wound, or respiratory system.

Simply adding chlorine to the water doesn’t instantly cleanse it from germs, either. While almost all germs are killed in the process, this isn’t a guaranteed solution. For examlpe, parasites that cause recreational water illnesses like Crypto may remain in the pool for up to 10 days after adding chlorine.

Get Your Pool Cleaned by Experts

Pool cleaning is a precise and time-consuming process. It requires attention to detail, the proper equipment, and in-depth knowledge of the most effective ways to do so. From scrubbing and vacuuming the tiles and flooring to skimming and checking the equipment and filters, there’s a lot of ground to cover when ensuring your pool is clean.

It will take the skills of a pool cleaning professional to make sure those standards are upheld. Contact our team today to get your residential pool looking cleaner than ever before.

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