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Chlorine has always been the go-to solution for sanitizing swimming pools, but is it really the best way to ensure pool water hygiene? Chlorine is known to trigger allergic reactions like hives and itchy, red patches on the skin. Opening your eyes while in chlorinated water can also cause redness, itchiness, and even conjunctivitis.

There’s also the chlorine shortage to worry about. More Americans had pools constructed on their residential property when the COVID-19 pandemic forced them to look for new outlets for leisure. The increased pool maintenance activity subsequently drove up the demand for chlorine.

If a chlorine pool system is no longer sustainable for you, then it might be time to switch to a safer, more cost-efficient solution. City Wide Pool Service, a pool maintenance service provider in Las Vegas, shares three chlorine alternatives to consider.

1. Reverse Osmosis System

Reverse osmosis is a process where the water is pushed through an ultra-fine membrane to filter its impurities, contaminants, and even odors. The process sterilizes the water to make it safe again for swimming, so you’re essentially recycling your pool water.

Reverse osmosis was originally used to purify drinking water, but industry pioneers discovered that the process could be used to make swimming pools more sustainable. By recycling their pool water, owners reduce their utility expenses and help conserve water.

This pool filtration system also eliminates the need for chemicals, which lowers your operating costs and makes the water gentler on the skin.

2. Saltwater Chlorine Generator

Saltwater systems are popular among commercial pools because of their cost-efficiency and relatively minimal maintenance requirements, though they’re growing more common in residential spaces these days. This pool system generates its own chlorine by subjecting the salt in the water through a process called electrolysis. Unlike typical chlorine, however, the kind produced by saltwater pools won’t hurt your eyes or irritate your skin.

The biggest advantage of saltwater pools lies in their maintenance. Aside from eliminating the need for manually added chlorine, saltwater pools also don’t require that many chemicals because they’re stabler than traditionally chlorinated pools. This reduces maintenance expenses, saves you from the hassle of storing chemicals in your home, and gives you a more comfortable swimming experience.

cleaning pool

3. Ozone Pool System

Ozone pool systems inject ozone gas (O3) into the pool plumbing to oxidize contaminants and chlorine-resistant microbes in the water. The best thing about this pool sanitizer solution is that it breaks down all types of organic contaminants in the water, unlike most other pool systems.

An ozone generator also helps soften your pool water because it’s pH-neutral, which is incredibly helpful if you frequently encounter calcium scaling problems in your pool.

Take note, though, that ozone pool systems aren’t chlorine-free solutions. They do, however, reduce your chlorine requirements by 60 to 90 percent when properly sized. So, they still make your water safer while lowering your maintenance expenses.

These are only a few of the alternatives for a chlorinated pool system. If you want to learn more about your options, talk to a pool operator, and they’ll help you find the best solution for your lifestyle and budget.

Full-Service Pool Care Company in Las Vegas

City Wide Pool Service provides reliable pool maintenance services for Las Vegas pool owners, both residential and commercial. Our 7-step cleaning process ensures that your pool is chemically balanced and thoroughly sanitized for your safety and comfort.

We also offer the Puripool Process, which is an innovative method of purifying and recycling your pool water without the use of harsh chemicals.

Learn more about our Puripool Process here. For inquiries, fill out our online form.

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