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Pool water has numerous components, from sanitation chemicals to microbes. Studies show that each swimmer could add anywhere from one thousand to one million microbes to the pool water, which is already full of all sorts of microorganisms and chemicals.

So if your pool water has turned green, there could be several common causes. City Wide Pool Service, which performs pool services in the Las Vegas area, has seen its share of green pools and resolved them.

Why Your Pool Water Turns Green

Too Little Chlorine

Often, this is the culprit for most residential pools. A pool’s water should have between one and four parts of chlorine. It will all depend on the size of the pool and how much water it can hold.

If the pool is large and doesn’t have enough chlorine in its water, algae will start to grow and turn the water green.

Cyanuric Acid (CYA)

Part of the chemical components of pool water is cyanuric acid, which is added to condition the water. It’s crucial to have in pool water for outdoor pools as sunlight can degrade chlorine. CYA prevents degradation.

However, too much CYA will throw off the balance of the pool water. The correct amount should be between 30 and 50 parts per million. Otherwise, chlorine can’t do its job, and the water becomes dirty, turning green.

Excessively High pH Levels

The pH balance of pool water is very delicate. A pool’s pH level should be between 7.4 and 7.6, or the chemicals can’t do their job. The chlorine and CYA won’t be able to keep it clean.

This problem is very common in saltwater pools because saltwater typically has higher pH levels, producing its own chlorine. Testing is crucial to ensure that saltwater pools remain at the correct pH level.

swimming pool

Clogged Filters

Sometimes, it’s not the water that’s the issue—it’s the pool cleaning system. When filters haven’t been replaced or cleaned in a very long time, algae and filtrates build up. This results in clogging and inefficient filtration.

The water is no longer cleaned by the filter correctly and, thus, turning the water green. By this point, however, it’s not enough to just change the filter. A complete cleaning may be necessary.

The Weather

The weather can also affect the color of the water. In a warm climate like what Las Vegas has, algae thrive wherever there is water. What may be a standard amount of chlorine for other pools won’t be effective enough for a Las Vegas pool.

Algae build up a lot faster, and the chlorine fails, leading to green water. Special chemical components with stronger algaecides keep the pool clear of microbes and algae.

Pollen and Metals

Springtime in Las Vegas leads to plenty of pollen in the air during allergy season. Pollen is naturally yellow-green in tint. Vast amounts of pollen settling into a pool could give it a greenish hue. This is something that better pool filters can fix.

However, sometimes, the greenish hue can also be caused by metals. Parts used in the pool pumps and ladders could cause the water to take on a greenish tint.

Be mindful of the metals used when installing features, especially in modern pools with unique designs where extra metals are involved.

Should You Be Worried?

Green pool water may not be safe to swim in, but it’s also quickly resolved in many ways. In the hands of pool maintenance specialists, cleaning and filtration processes can correct the situation. Your pool water can become as good as new in a matter of hours.

Better still, it can be avoided entirely, especially with a regular maintenance regime from pool services that can regularly test and balance the water for you. Give City Wide Pool Service a call today and learn about how we’ll get your green pool back to normal. Or you can browse our services and set up a regular cleaning and maintenance schedule.

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