Residential Weekly Pool Service in Las Vegas
If you own a swimming pool many people struggle with deciding to take care of it themselves or hire a reputable weekly service and repair company like City Wide Pool Service to come in once a week to take care of it for them. Now that it is almost spring and we are heading into the warmer months many homeowners start thinking about hiring a company to keep their pool looking great. That is why we decided to write this blog post because even when you have a company take care of your swimming pool it is extremely important to understand how to take care of it as well because issues can arise on days they are not there. By understanding some of these, you can inform them when something goes wrong. So let’s dive into weekly service and learn more about what to expect!
Proper Weekly Pool Service
Typically, most people think brushing down the interior finish, benches, and steps, skimming, and maintaining proper water chemistry is enough but it goes far beyond that. Swimming pools should be maintained at least once a week to keep them clean but depending on the time of year and weather conditions sometimes maintenance will need to occur more than that. In Las Vegas due to extreme heat, wind, and storms they might need more attention. On a weekly basis, the tile and sides of the swimming pool should be brushed to prevent the buildup of dirt and staining of the interior finish. Brushing is by far one of the most important steps that get overlooked. Debris should also be skimmed out of the swimming pool as soon as possible as it can cause changes to the water chemistry in the swimming pool and could cause excess use of chlorine or an increase in phosphates depending on what type of vegetation you have in your backyard. On days where there are storms, please try and empty out the skimmer basket as soon as possible to allow proper water flow into the filter. If the debris prevents water from moving into the filter, the pump could lose prime and burn out the motor with no water flow.
Proper Pool Water Chemistry
in addition to all of all this, keeping adequate amounts of chlorine in the swimming pool, monitoring your pH, and keeping your CYA levels within a normal range is also essential for keeping your swimming pool clean and the water clear and free of contaminants. Hiring a reputable weekly service and maintenance company will alleviate a lot of the stress there is in taking care of a swimming pool. If you are in the market for one, contact us today for a free estimate on both residential and commercial swimming pools.
About City Wide Pool Service
At City Wide Pool Service, we are the “right-size” company for all your service and repair needs. We’re small enough to give you that personal attention that each and every customer desire and large enough to handle all of your daily services, repair needs, and emergency calls. Our goal is to treat you like family and want everyone to be satisfied with the level of work we provide. Please contact us today to learn more.